Symptoms of Mesothelioma
Seeking Medical help
Mesothelioma can develop between 15 and 40 years or more after an
exposure to asbestos. If you have been exposed to asbestos in
the past and you start to suffer from any of the following symptoms
you should visit your GP and mention your concerns:
- Pains in the lower back, abdomen or chest
- A persistent cough
- Breathing difficulties, shortness of breath or a feeling of
tightness in the chest
- Rapid weight loss
- Problems with appetite or difficulty swallowing
- Sweating, fevers, diarrhoea or constipation
- Nausea or vomiting
- Swelling of the abdomen
Some people with mesothelioma have no symptoms at all in the
early stages; therefore, if you know that you have been exposed to
asbestos in the past and believe it may be the cause of your
symptoms, it is always a good idea to visit a doctor for medical
advice. Any damage caused by asbestos may be possible to detect with
a scan or x-ray.